The activities of the Let’s Talk Prostate Cancer (LTPC) Expert Group are funded by Astellas Pharma Inc., Agen Inc and Pfizer Inc, which collectively contribute to and support the objectives of the Expert group.
Astellas Pharma Inc. have full and exclusive editorial control over the LTPC Website

LTPC Campaign Resources

The LTPC Expert Group campaigns on behalf of those affected by prostate cancer across Europe. The campaign’s objective is to address the existing unmet needs of those affected by the condition by moving prostate cancer up the European political and policy agenda. We have developed a number of policy recommendations
showing how care for the patient community could be improved.


Increasing the policy prioritisation of prostate cancer

We call on policymakers to become ambassadors of awareness campaigns at EU, national and regional level, to increase the knowledge and understanding of the challenges facing people with prostate cancer, including in its advanced stage, and the burden of the disease. For example, we call on the European Commission to launch an Initiative on Prostate Cancer, aimed at addressing the unmet needs of prostate cancer patients.

The Mission Boards1 within the new European Commission’s mission on cancer should ensure that prostate cancer is identified as a specific priority area.
The European Parliament should take action on prostate cancer and work with the Commission and Member States on the implementation of cancer prevention and control plans e.g. by commissioning a report on the state of implementation of the national plans, leading an own-initiative report on cancer addressing the specific needs of people with prostate cancer and creating an integrated European cancer plan.
All national cancer programmes and the work of the European Commission should explicitly address the needs of people living with advanced prostate cancer, setting out the steps that will be taken to improve care, meet the increasing need for treatment and support and evaluate progress on these ambitions.

Links to external websites are provided as a resource to the viewer. We accept no responsibility for the content or services of the linked site other than the information or other materials provided or reviewed by the LTPC expert group members

1 European Commission. Commission invites top experts to shape new research and innovation missions. 13 May 2019. Accessible at: https://ec.europa.eu/info/news/commission-invites-top-experts-shape-new-research-and-innovation-missions-2019-may-13_en (last accessed October 2023)

Addressing healthcare inequalities

In addition to the European Commission’s Cancer Inequalities Registry and the new European Cancer Pulse launched by the European Cancer Organization, which map trends in key cancer data identifying inequalities between Member States and regions, we call on European, national and regional policymakers to support research into the inequalities that affect people with prostate cancer, including along socio-economic, ethnic, national and regional lines, as part of the innovation and research grants available under Horizon Europe, EU4Health and national health research budgets1.

The creation of an integrated cancer plan would further facilitate investment in important research in this field. Comprehensive reporting on healthcare inequalities will facilitate the development of measures to overcome these in the long term.

Links to external websites are provided as a resource to the viewer. We accept no responsibility for the content or services of the linked site other than the information or other materials provided or reviewed by the LTPC expert group members

1 European Commission. Horizon Europe – the next research and innovation framework programme. Accessible at: https://ec.europa.eu/info/horizon-europe-next-research-and-innovation-framework-programme_en (last accessed October 2023)

European Guidance Implementation

We call for a timely implementation of the final revised Council of the European Union Recommendation on cancer screening within national cancer plans. Member States should ensure timely access to high quality multidisciplinary and multi-professional prostate cancer services at every stage of the treatment and care pathway as promoted by ECO’s Essential Requirements for Quality Cancer Care (ERQCC).

Efforts to improve services should be supported by investment in effective treatments for advanced prostate cancer and the implementation of existing guidelines and validated patient information across Europe. Member States should moreover work along with the Commission to update the EU’s Joint Action on Innovation Partnership for Action Against Cancer (IPAAC), to ensure action to improve the prostate cancer care pathway at national level .

Access our materials

Our 2024 EU Elections Manifesto


The LTPC Men's Health White Paper


Our Call to Action

The content of this call to action is informed by the Let’s Talk Prostate Cancer Expert Group organised and funded by Astellas Pharma Europe Ltd. to raise awareness of the challenges faced by people with advanced prostate cancer in Europe. The Expert Group is a collaborative initiative bringing together EU level stakeholders with a shared interest in promoting policy change, education and awareness to ensure that people with advanced prostate cancer receive the right treatment and care at the right time in a shared decision-making process between patients and medical professionals.

Prostate Cancer and COVID-19 Article


Prostate Cancer and COVID-19 paper

COVID-19 is a particularly worrying time for cancer patients as the impact of their condition and its treatment means that they are at an increased risk from the pandemic. This document highlights the impact that COVID-19 has on those affected by prostate cancer as well as the unique opportunities for improving prostate cancer care that healthcare systems should consider as part of the long-term recovery from the pandemic.