The activities of the Let’s Talk Prostate Cancer (LTPC) Expert Group are funded by Astellas Pharma Inc., Agen Inc and Pfizer Inc, which collectively contribute to and support the objectives of the Expert group.
Astellas Pharma Inc. have full and exclusive editorial control over the LTPC Website

Introducing Clinical Guidelines

The European Association of Urology (EAU) has developed clinical guidelines which set out a framework for prostate cancer care across Europe.1 These guidelines outline universal principles of effective prostate cancer care

As part of the LTPC Atlas we have reviewed each EU country’s own clinical guidelines on prostate cancer, to compare how countries adhere – and in some cases go beyond – EAU guidelines.

In some cases, the story is positive – for example in 19 of 28 countries the national clinical guidelines recommend a care review by a multidisciplinary team (MDT).2 In other areas there is clearly more work to do, for example: only 10 countries provide patients with support from a specialist cancer nurse.3

National clinical guidelines make a meaningful difference to the care that people living with prostate cancer can expect to receive. We believe that all European countries should adopt the EAU guidelines as a minimum standard of care for prostate cancer patients.

A full table showing which countries implement which aspects of the EAU guidelines, as well as a detailed description of each guideline can be found here.

The guidelines make the following key recommendations:

The EAU Guidelines

The guidelines make the following key recommendations:

Review by a multidisciplinary team

The guidelines recommend that treatment management decisions should be made after all treatments have been discussed in a multidisciplinary team (including urologists, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists and radiologists), followed by a discussion with the patient. This will ensure that the right treatment plan is developed and informed by the expertise of the relevant specialities.
No of countries which include this in guidelines: 19 2

Support from a specialist nurse

Specialist nurses are key in supporting the patient through the care pathway. The EAU guidelines recommend that those affected should have access to nurse led multi-disciplinary rehabilitation (addressing sexual functioning, cancer worry, adjustments in the relationship, depression, managing bowel and urinary function problems).

No of countries which include this in guidelines: 10 3

Holistic needs assessment

The treatment and care plan should be tailored around the specific needs of the patient. The guidelines recommend that that the treatment plan should be tailored around the patient’s quality of life needs, including lifestyle changes, weight control, toilet habits, sexuality, and psychological problems.

No of countries which include this in guidelines: 12 4

A tailored treatment plan

There are a variety of treatment options for prostate cancer. It is therefore important that those affected get the right treatment at the right time. The guidelines recommend that a tailored treatment is developed that takes into account the holistic needs assessment. The plan is developed through the review by the multidisciplinary team and in conversation with the patient.
No of countries which include this in guidelines: 18 5

Nutrition and exercise advice

Patients should be provided with advice explaining how lifestyle changes including diet and exercise can contribute to the successful outcome of the care and treatment plan. Preventive advice includes non-specific measures such as loss of weight, increased exercise, improved nutrition and smoking cessation.

No of countries which include this in guidelines: 11 6

Psychological support

Prostate cancer and its treatment can have varying impact on the life of those affected. It is important that men with prostate cancer receive emotional and psychological support to help them cope with the diagnosis and the impact of the disease and treatment on their quality of life.

No of countries which include this in guidelines: 11 7

Regular care reviews

Given the slow disease progression of prostate cancer, it is important that the chosen care and treatment plan is re-assessed within regular intervals to ensure that the patient is still receiving optimal treatment.

No of countries which include this in guidelines: 12 8

For more patient information please visit the EAU Patient Information website – https://patients.uroweb.org

EAU Patient Information

For more patient information, you may visit the EAU Patient Information
website. Find reliable information on urology conditions and health, and
access quick links to information related to cancers, other diseases, tests,
treatments, patient advocacy, and much more!


Links to external websites are provided as a resource to the viewer. We accept no responsibility for the content or services of the linked site other than the information or other materials provided or reviewed by the LTPC expert group members

1   European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)

2   Austria: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Belgium: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Croatia: Solaric, M et al. Clinical Recommendation for Diagnostics, Treatment and Monitoring of Patients with Prostate Cancer. 2019;141:313-325
Czechia: Linkos. Malignant neoplasm of prostate (C61). Accessible at https://www.linkos.cz/lekar-a-multidisciplinarni-tym/diagnostika-a-lecba/modra-kniha-cos/aktualni-vydani-modre-knihy/26-19-zhoubny-novotvar-prostaty-c61/ (last accessed October 2023)
Denmark: Danish Urology Cancer Group. Applicable Clinical Guidelines. 2018. Accessible at https://ducg.dk/daproca-prostatacancer/kliniske-retningslinjer/ (last accessed October 2023)
France: Haute Autorite de Sante. Guide – long term conditions, Prostate Cancer. 2012. Accessible at https://www.has-sante.fr/upload/docs/application/pdf/2012-03/ald_30_guide__prostate_web.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Germany: AWMF Online. Interdisciplinary guideline of the Quality S3 for early detection, Diagnosis and therapy of the different stages of the Prostate cancer. 2019. Accessible at https://www.awmf.org/uploads/tx_szleitlinien/043-022OLk_S3_Prostatakarzinom_2019-06.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Hungary: The College of Radiotherapy and Oncology. Guideline for the treatment of prostate cancer. 2008. Accessible at https://old-kollegium.aeek.hu/conf/upload/oldiranyelvek/ONK_A%20prosztata%20daganatok%20ell%c3%a1t%c3%a1s%c3%a1r%c3%b3l_mod0_v0.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Ireland: National Clinical Effectiveness Committee. Diagnosis, staging and treatment of patients with prostate cancer. 2015. Accessible at https://www.hse.ie/eng/services/list/5/cancer/profinfo/guidelines/prostate/prostateguideline.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Italy: Associazione Italiana di Oncologia Medica. Prostate Cancer Guidelines. 2019. Accessible at https://www.aiom.it/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/2019_LG_AIOM_Prostata.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Latvia: Prostate Cancer Guidelines (Diagnosis of prostate cancer (C61), stage detection, treatment and surveillance). 2015. Accessible at https://www.urologs.lv/file/211/download?token=1qmneOgg (last accessed October 2023)
Luxembourg: Societe Luxembourgeoise d’Oncologie. Prostate Cancer. Accessible at https://plancancer.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/cancer-prostate-slo.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Netherlands: Integraal Kankercentrum Nederland. Prostaatcarcinoom. Last updated 2019. Accessible at https://www.oncoline.nl/index.php?pagina=/richtlijn/item/pagina.php&id=38788&richtlijn_id=980 (last accessed October 2023)
Poland: Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariffs. Comprehensive oncological care – an organisational model for diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer. 2019. Accessible at https://bipold.aotm.gov.pl/assets/files/zlecenia_mz/2018/089/RPT/WS.4320.1.2019_RAPORT_RGK_BIP.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Portugal: Grupo Portugues Genito-Urinario. Clinical Guidelines on the treatment of Prostate Cancer. 2013. Accessible at https://www.sponcologia.pt/fotos/editor2/recomendacoes-clinicas.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Slovakia: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Slovenia: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Sweden: Regionala Cancercentrum I Samverkan. National Prostate Cancer Care Program. Accessible at https://kunskapsbanken.cancercentrum.se/diagnoser/prostatacancer/vardprogram/ (last accessed October 2023)
UK: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Prostate cancer: diagnosis and management. 2019.Accessible at https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng131 (last accessed October 2023)

3   Austria: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Belgium: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Finland: Finnish Medical Association and the Finnish Urological Association. Prostate cancer current care recommendation. 2014. Accessible at https://www.kaypahoito.fi/hoi11060 (last accessed October 2023)
France: Haute Autorite de Sante. Guide – long term conditions, Prostate Cancer. 2012. Accessible at https://www.has-sante.fr/upload/docs/application/pdf/2012-03/ald_30_guide__prostate_web.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Netherlands: Integraal Kankercentrum Nederland. Prostaatcarcinoom. Last updated 2019. Accessible at https://www.oncoline.nl/index.php?pagina=/richtlijn/item/pagina.php&id=38788&richtlijn_id=980 (last accessed October 2023)
Portugal: Grupo Portugues Genito-Urinario. Clinical Guidelines on the treatment of Prostate Cancer. 2013. Accessible at https://www.sponcologia.pt/fotos/editor2/recomendacoes-clinicas.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Slovakia: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Slovenia: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Sweden: Regionala Cancercentrum I Samverkan. National Prostate Cancer Care Program. Accessible at https://kunskapsbanken.cancercentrum.se/diagnoser/prostatacancer/vardprogram/ (last accessed October 2023)
UK: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Prostate cancer: diagnosis and management. 2019.Accessible at https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng131 (last accessed October 2023)

4   Austria: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Belgium: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
France: Haute Autorite de Sante. Guide – long term conditions, Prostate Cancer. 2012. Accessible at https://www.has-sante.fr/upload/docs/application/pdf/2012-03/ald_30_guide__prostate_web.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Germany: AWMF Online. Interdisciplinary guideline of the Quality S3 for early detection, Diagnosis and therapy of the different stages of the Prostate cancer. 2019. Accessible at https://www.awmf.org/uploads/tx_szleitlinien/043-022OLk_S3_Prostatakarzinom_2019-06.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Hungary: The College of Radiotherapy and Oncology . Guideline for the treatment of prostate cancer. 2008. Accessible at https://old-kollegium.aeek.hu/conf/upload/oldiranyelvek/ONK_A%20prosztata%20daganatok%20ell%c3%a1t%c3%a1s%c3%a1r%c3%b3l_mod0_v0.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Netherlands: Integraal Kankercentrum Nederland. Prostaatcarcinoom. Last updated 2019. Accessible at https://www.oncoline.nl/index.php?pagina=/richtlijn/item/pagina.php&id=38788&richtlijn_id=980 (last accessed October 2023)
Poland: Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariffs. Comprehensive oncological care – an organisational model for diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer. 2019. Accessible at https://bipold.aotm.gov.pl/assets/files/zlecenia_mz/2018/089/RPT/WS.4320.1.2019_RAPORT_RGK_BIP.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Portugal: Grupo Portugues Genito-Urinario. Clinical Guidelines on the treatment of Prostate Cancer. 2013. Accessible at https://www.sponcologia.pt/fotos/editor2/recomendacoes-clinicas.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Romania: European Society for Medical Oncology. Clinical Practice Guidelines – Prostate Cancer. Annals of Oncology. 2020
Slovenia: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Slovakia: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
UK: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Prostate cancer: diagnosis and management. 2019.Accessible at https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng131 (last accessed October 2023)

5   Austria: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Belgium: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Czechia: Linkos. Malignant neoplasm of prostate (C61). Accessible at https://www.linkos.cz/lekar-a-multidisciplinarni-tym/diagnostika-a-lecba/modra-kniha-cos/aktualni-vydani-modre-knihy/26-19-zhoubny-novotvar-prostaty-c61/ (last accessed October 2023)
Denmark: Danish Urology Cancer Group. Applicable Clinical Guidelines. 2018. Accessible at https://ducg.dk/daproca-prostatacancer/kliniske-retningslinjer/ (last accessed October 2023)
Finland: Finnish Medical Association and the Finnish Urological Association. Prostate cancer current care recommendation. 2014. Accessible at https://www.kaypahoito.fi/hoi11060 (last accessed October 2023)
France: Haute Autorite de Sante. Guide – long term conditions, Prostate Cancer. 2012. Accessible at https://www.has-sante.fr/upload/docs/application/pdf/2012-03/ald_30_guide__prostate_web.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Germany: AWMF Online. Interdisciplinary guideline of the Quality S3 for early detection, Diagnosis and therapy of the different stages of the Prostate cancer. 2019. Accessible at https://www.awmf.org/uploads/tx_szleitlinien/043-022OLk_S3_Prostatakarzinom_2019-06.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Hungary: The College of Radiotherapy and Oncology . Guideline for the treatment of prostate cancer. 2008. Accessible at https://old-kollegium.aeek.hu/conf/upload/oldiranyelvek/ONK_A%20prosztata%20daganatok%20ell%c3%a1t%c3%a1s%c3%a1r%c3%b3l_mod0_v0.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Italy: Associazione Italiana di Oncologia Medica. Prostate Cancer Guidelines. 2019. Accessible at https://www.aiom.it/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/2019_LG_AIOM_Prostata.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Latvia: Prostate Cancer Guidelines (Diagnosis of prostate cancer (C61), stage detection, treatment and surveillance). 2015. Accessible at https://www.urologs.lv/file/211/download?token=1qmneOgg (last accessed October 2023)
Luxembourg: Societe Luxembourgeoise d’Oncologie. Prostate Cancer. Accessible at https://plancancer.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/cancer-prostate-slo.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Netherlands: Integraal Kankercentrum Nederland. Prostaatcarcinoom. Last updated 2019. Accessible at https://www.oncoline.nl/index.php?pagina=/richtlijn/item/pagina.php&id=38788&richtlijn_id=980 (last accessed October 2023)
Poland: Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariffs. Comprehensive oncological care – an organisational model for diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer. 2019. Accessible at https://bipold.aotm.gov.pl/assets/files/zlecenia_mz/2018/089/RPT/WS.4320.1.2019_RAPORT_RGK_BIP.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Portugal: Grupo Portugues Genito-Urinario. Clinical Guidelines on the treatment of Prostate Cancer. 2013. Accessible at https://www.sponcologia.pt/fotos/editor2/recomendacoes-clinicas.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Romania: European Society for Medical Oncology. Clinical Practice Guidelines – Prostate Cancer. Annals of Oncology. 2020
Slovakia: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Slovenia: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
UK: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Prostate cancer: diagnosis and management. 2019.Accessible at https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng131 (last accessed October 2023)

6   Austria: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Belgium: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023
Czechia: Linkos. Malignant neoplasm of prostate (C61). Accessible at https://www.linkos.cz/lekar-a-multidisciplinarni-tym/diagnostika-a-lecba/modra-kniha-cos/aktualni-vydani-modre-knihy/26-19-zhoubny-novotvar-prostaty-c61/ (last accessed October 2023)
Denmark: Danish Urology Cancer Group. Applicable Clinical Guidelines. 2018. Accessible at https://ducg.dk/daproca-prostatacancer/kliniske-retningslinjer/ (last accessed October 2023)
France: Haute Autorite de Sante. Guide – long term conditions, Prostate Cancer. 2012. Accessible at https://www.has-sante.fr/upload/docs/application/pdf/2012-03/ald_30_guide__prostate_web.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Hungary: The College of Radiotherapy and Oncology. Guideline for the treatment of prostate cancer. 2008. Accessible at https://old-kollegium.aeek.hu/conf/upload/oldiranyelvek/ONK_A%20prosztata%20daganatok%20ell%c3%a1t%c3%a1s%c3%a1r%c3%b3l_mod0_v0.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Poland: Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariffs. Comprehensive oncological care – an organisational model for diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer. 2019. Accessible at https://bipold.aotm.gov.pl/assets/files/zlecenia_mz/2018/089/RPT/WS.4320.1.2019_RAPORT_RGK_BIP.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Romania: European Society for Medical Oncology. Clinical Practice Guidelines – Prostate Cancer. Annals of Oncology. 2020
Slovakia: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Slovenia: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
UK: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Prostate cancer: diagnosis and management. 2019.Accessible at https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng131 (last accessed October 2023)

7   Austria: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Belgium: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Czechia: Linkos. Malignant neoplasm of prostate (C61). Accessible at https://www.linkos.cz/lekar-a-multidisciplinarni-tym/diagnostika-a-lecba/modra-kniha-cos/aktualni-vydani-modre-knihy/26-19-zhoubny-novotvar-prostaty-c61/ (last accessed October 2023)
France: Haute Autorite de Sante. Guide – long term conditions, Prostate Cancer. 2012. Accessible at https://www.has-sante.fr/upload/docs/application/pdf/2012-03/ald_30_guide__prostate_web.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Germany: AWMF Online. Interdisciplinary guideline of the Quality S3 for early detection, Diagnosis and therapy of the different stages of the Prostate cancer. 2019. Accessible at https://www.awmf.org/uploads/tx_szleitlinien/043-022OLk_S3_Prostatakarzinom_2019-06.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Netherlands: Integral Kankercentrum Nederland. National guidelines. 2014. Accessible at https://www.nhg.org/sites/default/files/content/nhg_org/uploads/prostaatcarcinoom.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Poland: Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariffs. Comprehensive oncological care – an organisational model for diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer. 2019. Accessible at https://bipold.aotm.gov.pl/assets/files/zlecenia_mz/2018/089/RPT/WS.4320.1.2019_RAPORT_RGK_BIP.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Slovakia: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Slovenia: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Sweden: Regionala Cancercentrum I Samverkan. National Prostate Cancer Care Program. Accessible at https://kunskapsbanken.cancercentrum.se/diagnoser/prostatacancer/vardprogram/ (last accessed October 2023)
UK: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Prostate cancer: diagnosis and management. 2019.Accessible at https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng131 (last accessed October 2023)

8   Austria: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Belgium: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Czechia: Linkos. Malignant neoplasm of prostate (C61). Accessible at https://www.linkos.cz/lekar-a-multidisciplinarni-tym/diagnostika-a-lecba/modra-kniha-cos/aktualni-vydani-modre-knihy/26-19-zhoubny-novotvar-prostaty-c61/ (last accessed October 2023)
Croatia: Solaric, M et al. Clinical Recommendation for Diagnostics, Treatment and Monitoring of Patients with Prostate Cancer. 2019;141:313-325
Finland: Finnish Medical Association and the Finnish Urological Association. Prostate cancer current care recommendation. 2014. Accessible at https://www.kaypahoito.fi/hoi11060 (last accessed October 2023)
France: Haute Autorite de Sante. Guide – long term conditions, Prostate Cancer. 2012. Accessible at https://www.has-sante.fr/upload/docs/application/pdf/2012-03/ald_30_guide__prostate_web.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Germany: AWMF Online. Interdisciplinary guideline of the Quality S3 for early detection, Diagnosis and therapy of the different stages of the Prostate cancer. 2019. Accessible at https://www.awmf.org/uploads/tx_szleitlinien/043-022OLk_S3_Prostatakarzinom_2019-06.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Italy: Associazione Italiana di Oncologia Medica. Prostate Cancer Guidelines. 2019. Accessible at https://www.aiom.it/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/2019_LG_AIOM_Prostata.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Netherlands: Integral Kankercentrum Nederland. National guidelines. 2014. Accessible at https://www.nhg.org/sites/default/files/content/nhg_org/uploads/prostaatcarcinoom.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Poland: Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariffs. Comprehensive oncological care – an organisational model for diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer. 2019. Accessible at https://bipold.aotm.gov.pl/assets/files/zlecenia_mz/2018/089/RPT/WS.4320.1.2019_RAPORT_RGK_BIP.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Slovakia: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)
Slovenia: European Association of Urology. EAU – ESTRO – ESUR – SIOG Guidelines on Prostate Cancer. 2018. Accessible at https://uroweb.org/wp-content/uploads/EAU-ESUR-ESTRO-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-large-text-V2.pdf (last accessed October 2023)